For Candidates

A candidate is a person who runs in an election. In a municipal council election, the eight candidates that receive the most votes form the municipal council, and the mayoral candidate with the most votes becomes mayor. A person cannot run for both councillor and mayor at the same time.

Who Can Be a Candidate?

Generally speaking, if you can vote, you can be a candidate.

How do I Become a Candidate?

Some employers have rules for employees who are candidates. 

Disqualifications from Being a Candidate

There are some special disqualifications from being a candidate. You cannot be a candidate for mayor or municipal council if you are:

  • a judge or Justice of the Peace (unless you have obtained leave),
  • an MLA or a Member of Parliament,
  • an employee of the municipality who is not on approved leave, 
  • an election officer (including employees of Elections Nunavut),
  • in prison or a correctional institution,
  • convicted under any election act within the past 5 years,
  • found to be noncompliant with financial reporting from an MLA election within the past 5 years: the list of noncompliant candidates and financial agents can be found here,
  • found by the court to not be able to make decisions for yourself,
  • a sheriff,
  • an auditor or assessor of the municipality,
  • a surety for an employee of the municipality (if you take responsibility for a municipal employee’s debts, actions, or performance.),
  • in debt to the municipality for $500 or more for more than 90 days,
  • a person who has controlling interests in a company that is in debt to the municipality for $500 or for more than 90 days, or
  • a person who has not paid all municipal taxes in the year they were billed. 

Declaration of Candidacy

Fill out and sign your Declaration of Candidacy. You do not need to be nominated.

When Can I Declare my Candidacy?

For the October 2023 Municipal General Election, you can submit your declaration of candidacy to your Returning Officer between September 18-22 (2pm).